Friday 8 November 2013

Little Booklet for digipak;

Both me and Sophie choose to do the same booklet for our digipaks as we we're doing the same artist and same songs, we both felt that it would be easier and look better if we worked on it together.

1 comment:

  1. Digipak Booklet:

    I think the fact that you have included a small lyric booklet to go inside your digipak is a really nice detail and shows that you have thoroughly considered all the ways to make the product more interesting for consumers.Your use of additional pictures of the artist in the booklet was a good choice as it means that people will be more inclined to buy the digipak in order to get the unseen images. It has been put together really well and I think the fact that you have reduced the opacity of the pictures beneath the lyrics is helpful as it means the text is easily legible. The 'with love' lettering also works well as it tricks buyers into thinking each album is more individualistic (despite the fact that it has been printed on them all).

    Overall, I really like both of the products you have created- taking into consideration your genre of music. I think that you have considered conventions well and effectively composed all aspects of your work.

    Phoebe Peberdy
