Friday 6 December 2013

Evaluation - Question four DRAFT

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Pre production -
Blogger - To present our Research and planning onto blog posts and to record the progress of information we are finding out about our project.
Google - Main search engine to find out information for example looking at artists official website.
Youtube - Main search tool for finding and looking  at existing music videos and finding ideas that they use.
Iphone  -  A way for Faye and I to communicate whenever to discuss ideas outside classroom times and to contact our model Izzy to find out when she was available to film.
Post production -
Final cut pro - A programme used to edit and cut all our video files and make them into a music video. This programme enabled us to cut clips and to lip sync our footage to the background song.
Flickr - A programme used to present our photo stream of our digipak photoshoot. It is used so the public can view the photos on the internet.
Camera - I used a camera to take pictures of her for the digipak and the poster. I also used this to take pictures of the sweet shop location.
powerpoint- I used this when Faye and I were making our powerpoint about are social group on UK tribes.
Photoshop- I used this programme to make the poster and the digipack. I also used it to edit some of the images that we put of Izzy onto our products.
Animoto - Faye and I used this to create our pitch to present to the class. By using this it makes it more interesting to watch that just speaking at the front of the room to the class.
Twitter- Faye and I made an our made up artist a twitter account. We regularly tweeted about things that the artist was doing e.g. when we were filming.
iMac - This was the main computer I used to do all my work on. This mac had all the programmes I used throughout this project.

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